How do I get the labels to line up properly?
Even if your template appears to be set up perfectly on your screen, you may find that there are slight alignment issues when you print it out. These misalignments are usually caused by the print accuracy of your software and/or printer; every printer varies in its starting print position and accuracy by a few mm and will react to instructions from specific software differently.
If all of the print is sitting too high/low/left/right (by the same amount), you can correct this by increasing or decreasing the top and left page margins as necessary. If the alignment gets progressively worse as you go down or across the page, your printer may be set to a page size other than A4 or your template may have altered slightly as you have added content.
If you are struggling to correct a particular issue, get in touch with our Customer Service Team and we’ll be happy to help. You may also want to take a look at our list of Top Tips and our Troubleshooting Guide.