Asset ID Labels - What are asset ID labels?
Definition of ASSET ID LABEL:
Labels that are used to identify, track, and secure assets, particularly items that are of high value. Assets are items that belong to an individual, business, or organisation and can be converted into cash. Asset ID labels are used to track and trace assets, to keep an inventory of assets, and to improve the security of assets.
An asset ID label usually has three basic pieces of information on it; the name of the individual, business, or organisation that owns an item, a barcode that is encoded with identifying and tracking information for an item, and an asset ID number - this is a unique ID number that is assigned to a particular asset and, in most cases, will be a sequential number. Asset labels may also include a company logo, contact details, or an indication of ownership (Property Of...).
Asset ID labels are useful when labelling equipment that belongs to a company but is regularly stored or used off-site. Asset labels can be used to check items in and out or to keep track of where an item is and to whom an item has been assigned.
These labels are usually designed to be durable, long life labels that will remain with an asset throughout its service life; they are often made of durable materials such as plastics and metals or, if they are made of more fragile materials such as paper, they will be coated or laminated for protection.
Asset labels may be used as security labels; if an item is lost or stolen the information on the label can be used to identify the true owner, and the presence of an asset label can serve as a visual deterrent by indicating that an item has been registered in a particular inventory and its location may be checked on a frequent basis.

Here is the Harvard-style citation to use if you would like to reference this definition of the term asset ID label:
Label Planet (2014) What are asset ID labels? | Asset ID Labels Definition. Available at: (Accessed: January 1, 2024).
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