Caliper - What does caliper mean?
Definition of CALIPER:
This entry has two definitions:
Definition 1:
A measure of thickness; most commonly used to describe the thickness of a sheet of paper, although it can also be used to describe the thickness of an entire label construction or the thickness of a single layer within a construction. Caliper is most often measured in microns (one thousandth of a millimetre) or mils (one thousandth of an inch).
We use caliper to refer to the thickness of our sheets of labels and the face and backing materials used to make our products. It is important to know the caliper of the materials used to make label products as dies are often designed to cut to a specific depth and if the materials are of the wrong caliper, the die may either not cut deep enough into the face material (making it difficult to remove a label) or may cut too deeply (which could cause a label to separate from the backing sheet entirely). It is also important to know the caliper of labels when printing as thicker sheets may not feed correctly through some printers.
Also Known As: Thickness
Definition 2:
An instrument used to measure the distance between two points. Calipers usually have two opposing tips or jaws that are placed at either end of the distance being measured. Some calipers must then be removed and placed against a ruler or scale to provide a measurement of the distance. Other calipers include a measuring tool and the distance is indicated by a sliding pointer on a scale (Vernier Caliper), a pointer on a dial (Dial Caliper), a readout on a digital display (Digital Caliper), or the rotations made by a screw (Micrometre Caliper). These measuring tools may give readings in either metric or imperial units, although many modern calipers will allow measurements to be taken in both.

Here is the Harvard-style citation to use if you would like to reference this definition of the word caliper:
Label Planet (2016) What does caliper mean? | Caliper Definition. Available at: (Accessed: January 1, 2024).
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