Corner Radius - What does corner radius mean?
Definition of CORNER RADIUS:
The corner radius describes how rounded the corners of a label are in shape. The die used to produce radius corners are shaped to produce a particular degree of arc or curve at each corner of a shape such as a rectangle or square; the corner radius refers to the radius of the circle that is created if the corner arc is extended to form a complete circle. A larger corner radius produces a more rounded corner, while a small corner radius produces a sharper corner that is closer in shape to the point of a square cut corner label (where the corner is the sharp point that is the natural result of two lines meeting at a 90° angle).

Here is the Harvard-style citation to use if you would like to reference this definition of the term corner radius:
Label Planet (2020) What does corner radius mean? | Corner Radius Definition. Available at: (Accessed: January 1, 2024).
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