Die Cut - What does die cut mean?
Definition of DIE CUT:
Materials that have been cut to shape using a die. Die cutting can be used on a variety of materials including rubber, foil, cloth, paper, board, plastic, tape, foam, and sheet metal. This operation is usually done on press during the manufacturing or converting process, and is either done on a flatbed press (the die is lowered onto a material that is lying flat on the flatbed) or a rotary press (the die is mounted on a cylinder that rotates as the material is passed between the rotary die and the surface of a steel anvil roll).
In labelling, die cutting is used to make labels by cutting the required shapes into one or more of the layers in a label construction. Labels can either be kiss cut or through cut.

Here is the Harvard-style citation to use if you would like to reference this definition of the term die cut:
Label Planet (2020) What does die cut mean? | Die Cut Definition. Available at: https://www.labelplanet.co.uk/glossary/die-cut/ (Accessed: January 1, 2024).
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