Expanded or Extended Content Labels - What are expanded content labels or extended content labels?
A type of product label that is used to add large amounts of product information to a relatively small area of a product or product packaging by creating a number of layers or pages, which can be revealed and then resealed for future reference (in other words, they expand or extend the surface area available for adding content, such as product information, on products or product packaging). Extended content labels (or ECLs) are available in a number of different formats, including two-ply or multi-ply ECLs (two or more labels are layered on top of one another so that the front and back of each label – except the bottom label that is applied directly onto the product or packaging – can be printed with product information) and booklet labels (a folded pamphlet or booklet is attached to a label, which is then used to bond the pamphlet or booklet onto the product or packaging – in some cases a second label is applied over the top of the pamphlet or booklet to hide it from view when it is not needed).
These label constructions rely on the use of two types of adhesive; a permanent adhesive to hold the entire construction together and firmly in place on a product or its packaging and a microsphere adhesive that allows the topmost label (or topmost layers in a multi-ply ECL) to be lifted up to reveal the underlying layers or booklet before being lowered to reseal the ECL.
ECLs are becoming increasingly commonplace on a wide range of products, although they remain especially popular for products that have an extensive amount of product information (such as ingredients, instructions for use, health and safety warnings etc) that absolutely have to remain with an item – common examples include pharmaceutical products, cosmetics, chemical-based products (such as cleaning products), and electronics.

Here is the Harvard-style citation to use if you would like to reference this definition of the terms expanded content labels and extended content labels:
Label Planet (2016) What are expanded content labels or extended content labels? | Definition. Available at: https://www.labelplanet.co.uk/glossary/expanded-or-extended-content-label/ (Accessed: January 1, 2024).
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