Mini Labels - What are mini labels?
Definition of MINI LABEL:
Labels that are small in size. There are a variety of label sizes that are referred to as mini, but most tend to be under 50mm in height and width. They tend to be used as supporting information labels; they don't contain key pieces of information, but may contain additional information such as contact details, tracking information, or pricing information.
This term could, therefore, be applied to a range of our label sizes including LP40/45, LP48/45, LP84/46, LP189/25 and LP270/18.
We use the term mini labels to refer specifically to our LP65/38 label size. These labels measure 38.1mm wide by 21.2mm high; they are commonly used as return address labels and retail or price mark labels on products.

Here is the Harvard-style citation to use if you would like to reference this definition of the term mini label:
Label Planet (2020) What are mini labels? | Mini Labels Definition. Available at: (Accessed: January 1, 2024).
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