Selvedge - What is a selvedge?
Definition of SELVEDGE:
A blank area at the edge of a sheet of labels; a sheet may have a selvedge along one edge or multiple edges. While most sheets of labels have blank areas around or between the labels that are not used for printing on (waste), the term selvedge is used to refer specifically to the blank areas at the edges of the sheet and, in particular, when referring to square cut labels (butt cut). Square cut labels are usually created by dividing a sheet into equal sections; a selvedge along one or more of the edges of the sheet helps to overcome some of the problems caused by printer margins. By introducing a selvedge, the labels are more likely to fall within the printable area of a sheet, which means that a standard printer will be able to print the full area of all of the labels - without leaving bits of the labels blank.

Here is the Harvard-style citation to use if you would like to reference this definition of the word selvedge:
Label Planet (2020) What is a selvedge? | Selvedge Definition. Available at: (Accessed: January 1, 2024).
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