Transparent Labels - What are transparent labels?
Labels that are made of transparent materials and can be seen through quite clearly. Transparent labels are usually chosen when a label is required that will not draw attention away from the object that it is applied to, that will allow a decorative surface underneath the label to be seen clearly, or when the substrate itself is transparent (such as a window) and the label needs to match. It should be noted that for a label to be fully transparent it must have coatings, a face material, and an adhesive that are all made of transparent materials. Additionally, when labels are applied the adhesive may form air bubbles or pick up tiny particles of dust that can prevent a truly 100% transparent appearance. A useful alternative is static cling labels, which use static cling to hold a label in place rather than an adhesive, although these products are not suitable if a permanent label is required.
At Label Planet, we have a range of transparent labels; they all have transparent face materials made of polyester (with options for gloss and matt finishes) and transparent adhesives made of acrylic.

Here is the Harvard-style citation to use if you would like to reference this definition of the term transparent label:
Label Planet (2020) What are transparent labels? | Transparent Labels Definition. Available at: (Accessed: January 1, 2024).
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