Word - What is Word?
Definition of WORD:
Also known as Microsoft Word or MS Word, Word is a piece of software developed by Microsoft that is a type of word processor; that is, a piece of software that performs all kinds of word processing functions and operations, including the composition, editing, formatting, and printing of written material.
In labelling, Word can be used to design templates for printing labels; a brand new template can be created from scratch, an existing template can be downloaded from an external source (for example, the Label Planet website) and edited, or a built in template can be opened and edited.

Here is the Harvard-style citation to use if you would like to reference this definition of the term Word:
Label Planet (2020) What is Word? | Word Definition. Available at: https://www.labelplanet.co.uk/glossary/word/ (Accessed: January 1, 2024).
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