Our answers to FAQs about using compatible templates to print compatible labels.
What Are Compatible Template Codes?
A code that refers to a template that uses the same label size and layout as the labels you wish to print.
What Are Compatible Label Codes?
A code that refers to labels from one manufacturer or supplier that use the same label size and layout as a template or label product from another manufacturer or supplier.
What Are Built-In Templates?
Most software that can be used to design and print labels will also contain label templates (i.e. templates that are part of - or built in to - the software). These label templates tend to be compatible with "standard" label sizes - i.e. those that are most popular and common across the labelling industry - and are usually based on the product lists of widely known brands and manufacturers.
How Do I Know If A Template Is Compatible With My Labels?
Generally speaking, there are TWO ways to know if a template is compatible with a set of labels.
One option is to measure your labels to see if the measurements match a template. For sheet labels, this includes the page size, page margins, label width and height, vertical and horizontal pitches (to account for any gaps between the labels), and the number of labels in each row and column. Built-in templates usually include these details; for example, in Word you can click on the “Details” button in the Label Options dialogue box to view full measurements for any of the built-in templates. If not, you will need to find these details online or extract them from the measurements of the template itself.
A second, usually quicker option, is to check if the manufacturer / supplier of your labels provides a list of compatible template codes.
Why Are There So Many Compatible Codes For My Labels?
You may find multiple compatible codes are available for your labels. This is caused by the systems used by some companies to create codes for their products and templates. Some assign a unique code to each label product they supply and each product also has its own template. The template code is the same as the product code. These companies will generally supply various label sizes in different materials / adhesives. Products with the same label size but made with different materials / adhesives will therefore have templates that are exactly the same.
For example: a company might provide label size "X" in two material options; one is paper labels for inkjet printers (known by the code "X-Inkjet") and the other is paper labels for laser printers (known by the code "X-Laser"). If that company also creates individual templates for each product AND uses the same code for the product and its related template, then you end up with identical templates known by different codes - X-Inkjet and X-Laser. Either template could be used to print either product and, more importantly, either template could also be used to print compatible labels from another manufacturer / supplier.
How Do I Find A Built-In Template In My Software?
It depends on your software; usually, you need to select labels as the type of template you need and then select the correct template supplier. Some manufacturers supply a number of markets worldwide, each with its own product range, and so will be listed multiple times. E.g. "Manufacturer A4/A5", Manufacturer Europe", or "Manufacturer US Letter".
In Word, click on the Mailings tab and select Labels. Click on Options and set Printer information to “Page Printer”. Select your Label vendor (e.g. A4/A5). There are a LOT of built-in templates; to find your code faster, left click once on any of the codes in the list and then type the first character of the code you need using your keyboard. Word will jump down the list to codes beginning with that character (getting you closer to the code you need a lot quicker than simply scrolling down the list).
Why Can’t I Find A Particular Code In My Software?
There are a number of reasons why you might not be able to find a particular code in your software:
- You may have selected the wrong vendor.
- The code may be for a discontinued product, which has subsequently been removed from your software. Check to see if there is another compatible code you can use.
- Different versions of software may also contain different sets of templates. It may be worth checking if you are using the most up to date version of your software. If you still cannot find the code you need, you may need to see if you can find another compatible code.
Why Don’t My Labels Have A Compatible Code?
There are thousands of different label sizes available and most manufacturers and suppliers will only provide a selection of these sizes. If your labels don’t have a compatible code then either 1) the manufacturer / supplier hasn’t bothered to supply this information or 2) other companies don’t supply labels in that particular size and layout. You will need to see if the manufacturer / supplier provides their own label templates, source a template from elsewhere, or make your own.
Label Planet supplies free label templates for ALL of our label sizes, which can be downloaded from our Template Home Page.