Here's a short guide to how Label Planet's product codes work and what they mean.
All of our product codes (and template codes) follow a simple pattern, which is made up of the key features of each product - so you can order and reorder your labels from Label Planet with confidence!
They all start with a "basic code" - LPXX/XX.
LP stands for Label Planet - so you know where your labels came from. The first XX is the number of labels per sheet and the second XX is the width of the labels (rounded to the nearest whole number).
This basic code may also include a letter at the end - this indicates if the labels are a different shape.
R stands for round labels, OV stands for oval labels, and SQ stands for square labels. Square cut rectangle labels with a selvedge (blank strip at the top and bottom of the sheet) will end with S. Our full A4 label sizes have a letter to indicate the type of slits on the backing sheet (H for horizontal, V for vertical, and J for multiple Jet-crac slits).
(The one exception is our CD labels and DVD labels, which use "LPCD" and the diameter of the labels - e.g. LPCD117).
This basic code is used to refer to all of our standard matt white paper products AND the label templates for each label size. So, if you order a different material, the template for that material will be the basic code of the equivalent paper label.
For our non-standard paper labels, we add an additional material code based on the name of each particular material as follows:
RCY - Recycled Labels
MPQ - Matt Premium Quality Labels
DF - Deep Freeze Labels
WW - Water Wash Off Labels
REM - Removable Labels
GREM - Super Removable Labels (also known as Glass Removable)
HT - High Tack / Strong Adhesive Labels
OPQ - Opaque Labels
SG - Semi Gloss Labels
GW - Laser Gloss White Labels
GWPQ - Gloss White Photo Quality Labels
BRK - Brown Ribbed Kraft Labels
CRD - Crimson Red Labels
ORD - Orange Red Labels
Y - Yellow Labels
G - Green Labels
B - Blue Labels
PK - Pink Labels
CR - Butter Cream Labels
FR - Fluorescent Red Labels
FO - Fluorescent Orange Labels
FL - Fluorescent Yellow Labels (also known as Fluorescent Lemon)
FG - Fluorescent Green Labels
FM - Fluorescent Magenta Labels
REMCRD - Removable Crimson Red Labels
REMORD - Removable Orange Red Labels
REMY - Removable Yellow Labels
REMG - Removable Green Labels
REMB - Removable Blue Labels
REMPK - Removable Pink Labels
REMCR - Removable Cream Labels
LG - Laser Gold Labels
LS - Laser Silver Labels
MSP - Mirrored Silver Polyester Labels
GCP - Gloss Clear Polyester Labels
GTP - Gloss Transparent Polyester Labels
GTR - Gloss Transparent Removable Polyester Labels
MTP - Matt Transparent Polyester Labels
GWP - Gloss White Polyester Labels
MWP - Matt White Polyester Labels
MWR - Matt White Removable Polyester Labels
MWPE - Matt White Polyethylene Labels
MWPO - Matt White Polyolefin Labels
MWPP - Matt White Polypropylene Labels
SMP - Silver Matt Metallic Polyester Labels
SVP - Silver Void Polyester Labels
So, if you need to order or reorder labels from Label Planet, you can now use your product code to quickly check that you are ordering the right labels! You can enter your code into our search bar to find your labels OR use the basic part of your code to download a label template.